This is an animated Icon theme for the 8900.
There are 8 icons along the top of the screen. The first two icons
are not customizable. The remaining 6 icons are your first 6 icons on
your application menu.The 6 icons on the top will glide to the pillar on the left when scrolled over. When highlighting the Messages and Calendar icon you will see 10 subentries for each, simply scroll down to highlight these entries.
When you scroll down below the 6 icons you will see two small arrows one pointing up and the second pointing down.
When selecting the arrow pointing up 12 more icons will appear. These icons are also customizable. They will be icons 7-18 on your application menu. Scroll up and select the arrow pointing down to hide these icons.
(note: full navigation is available among all 12 icons)
***NOTE: When running the theme for the FIRST time you will notice the images and icons are not where they should be. Simply scroll down once and you should be highlighting the “down arrow” at the bottom of the screen (SIMILAR to the first image below -the down arrow will be raised). Select it and the image will be corrected.***