Tweet Caster professional v1.3
The #1 Twitter app involves BlackBerry®!
TweetCaster is that the superlative Twitter app for BlackBerry®, with the richest, most innovative features! Designed specifically with BlackBerry users in mind, TweetCaster was designed from scratch with the most recent options, however tailored to the BlackBerry UI and user expertise.
- Share via BBM – TweetCaster is that the solely Twitter app to permit users to share a Tweet with friends via BlackBerry® courier.
- nada It – exclusive feature enabling a user to briefly mute (a) person; (b) #trend ; or © keyword.
- at the same time post to Twitter and Facebook
- Maintain multiple Twitter accounts
- Retweet with or while not comment
- Manage Twitter lists
- Advanced profile redaction
- Use Twitlonger to form 140+ character tweets
- Nearby/Geolocation practicality
- Save and manage drafts
- Advanced search
- Full trending topics
- Instapaper support
- Share tweets to email, Facebook, and BlackBerry® courier
- Username auto-complete
- uniform resource locator shortening
- photograph sharing
- Keyboard shortcuts
- All customary Twitter functions—reading timeline, viewing profiles, causation tweets, clicking links
The #1 Twitter app involves BlackBerry®!
TweetCaster is that the superlative Twitter app for BlackBerry®, with the richest, most innovative features! Designed specifically with BlackBerry users in mind, TweetCaster was designed from scratch with the most recent options, however tailored to the BlackBerry UI and user expertise.
- Share via BBM – TweetCaster is that the solely Twitter app to permit users to share a Tweet with friends via BlackBerry® courier.
- nada It – exclusive feature enabling a user to briefly mute (a) person; (b) #trend ; or © keyword.
- at the same time post to Twitter and Facebook
- Maintain multiple Twitter accounts
- Retweet with or while not comment
- Manage Twitter lists
- Advanced profile redaction
- Use Twitlonger to form 140+ character tweets
- Nearby/Geolocation practicality
- Save and manage drafts
- Advanced search
- Full trending topics
- Instapaper support
- Share tweets to email, Facebook, and BlackBerry® courier
- Username auto-complete
- uniform resource locator shortening
- photograph sharing
- Keyboard shortcuts
- All customary Twitter functions—reading timeline, viewing profiles, causation tweets, clicking links