7 Colors Bubble Theme by CJH

Because the official Theme Builder Software for BlackBerry OS 7 has not yet been released,
the icons/applications in your designated folders will NOT show.
Don't worry, this doesn't mean they have uninstalled.
It is simply a bug due to no Theme Builder and there will NOT be a way around this until it's release.
Sorry for any inconvenience.

SUGGESTION: Move all icons/applications to home screen.
Or use a hot key app like Quick Launch, MyOwnHotKeys etc.
Also, you can always use the Universal Search option on your BlackBerry to find the desired application.    


Weather Slot (8th icon position)

(Hot key)
* Changeable Bubble Color (alt - 1~7)
* alt - 8 : Topbanner darker
* alt - 9 : disable (alt - 8)

* alt - i : display weather slot
* alt - o : hide weather slot
* s : Universal Search
* $ : Profile

* f : Bubble more dark
* g : Bubble more light

Design by Aun Waqas
Sponsored by Blackberry