Wakai in Japanese means “forever young” or “eternally youthful” (in Flemish it means “deranged stewardess with a nail-gun”). Peaceful and simple on the surface, this theme breathes complexities and depth far beyond the outward appearance. Most themes make you wade through endless options, menus, buttons and lawn-mower displays (best not to ask). Not this one. This one makes you feel Heiwana (peaceful), skipping through your day stopping only long enough to paint rainbows and hug bunnies (not really, but it certainly sounds entertaining, doesn't it?). It will love you as much as you love it.
Clicking on menus bring you submenus (ones you might actually find yourself using and not those “here is the only button you're getting, so you'd better well like it” kind of buttons, either) and extended options. It should take only moments to find yourself incredibly adept at using this theme. Even if this is your first theme or your first on a new model, you will find it e breath of fresh air (or at least semi-fresh if you live in a major metro area).
On the home screen there are two big numbers displaying the battery meter (left number), signal strength (right number).
Supported Devices: 8500,8520,8530